Trudy Rankin

Founder, Online Business Liftoff

Steven Lewis

Founder, The Obvious Choice



How to Convince and Convert High-Value Clients With Magnetic Messaging

Why do some coaches, consultants and business owners have to justify their worth endlessly or compromise their values while others have their pick of clients ready to pay what they're worth? It's all about positioning. In this online masterclass, you'll discover the secrets of positioning yourself authentically, confidently and persuasively as the obvious choice for your clients.

Make this YOUR time. You'll never be overlooked again after you take this .




How to Convince and Convert High-Value Clients With Magnetic Messaging

Why do some coaches, consultants and business owners have to justify their worth endlessly or compromise their values while others have their pick of clients ready to pay what they're worth? It's all about positioning. In this online masterclass, you'll discover the secrets of positioning yourself authentically, confidently and persuasively as the obvious choice for your clients.

Don't miss out. This training is IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE...


Trudy Rankin

Founder, Online Business Liftoff

Steven Lewis

Founder, The Obvious Choice

How your competitors walk away
with your ideal clients...

Do you struggle to convert clients even though you have exactly what they need? Are you constantly justifying your fees despite your excellent track record? Do you lose out to competitors with equal (or lesser) qualifications?

You've realised that being great at what you do isn't enough to build a client list that appreciates your worth or aligns with your values. And endlessly compromising grinds down your confidence.

You've found no shortage of gurus and duct-tape marketing tactics, but nothing will take off until you fix the core problem. You must:

  • Clearly define and communicate what makes you different.
  • Tie that difference to your clients' problems.
  • Use those insights to direct your website, social media, emails, proposals and sales calls.

Would you like to nail those things? Read on to give your marketing wings...

This training is terrific. I'm already using what I learned. It's radically improved my messaging.

— Glenn Tranter, productivity coach

It's YOUR time...

Marketing falls into place as soon as you know how to position yourself as the obvious choice for your ideal clients. Positioning yourself isn't about turning up the spotlight until it burns. You don't have to stride onto centre stage to be accepted as the high-value answer your clients must have.

In every industry, there are high-performers (sometimes the highest performers) discreetly working with their pick of ideal clients. High performers don't have to seek the spotlight. They can choose to be known only to the select few they want to work with.

YES, YOU: How to Convince and Convert High-Value Clients With Magnetic Messaging will show you how to position yourself authentically and confidently to attract and retain your ideal clients — whether you want to claim your place at centre stage or grow your business out of the spotlight.

Here's what our proven formula will give you in just 90 minutes...

90 minutes that deliver clarity, conversion and loyalty

YES, YOU: How to Convince and Convert High-Value Clients With Magnetic Messaging hands you a proven formula to become the obvious choice for the right clients. After just 90 minutes, you'll know exactly how to develop and prove a clear, powerful message that attracts high-quality clients. It won't just convince clients, either. Your authentic message will give you the inner confidence to ask for — and get — the fees you deserve.


Consistent high-value clients

Discover the secret to attracting clients who align with your values and are eager to work with you.


Clear marketing message

Develop a compelling message that resonates with your ideal clients and that you can deliver with confidence.


Enhanced loyalty and referrals

Build a loyal client base that not only stays with you but also refers others, amplifying your reputation and the reach of your message.


Increased conversion rates

Convert more potential clients into paying clients because communicating your unique strengths and value has become effortless.


No more marketing fatigue

Watch your marketing efforts click into place, freeing you from the constant struggle of justifying your worth.

The three-step formula that effortlessly convinces clients to say, Yes, YOU!

This is a masterclass in these three steps to convince, convert and retain high-value clients...


Clients don't experience or describe their problems the way experts do. Uncover the secrets to matching your expertise to your clients' experience.


Whether it's in person, on social media, by email or on your website, discover how to position yourself as the perfect fit for your clients — with integrity, not hype.


Trust is the currency of conversion. You'll learn how to apply the art and science of proving you're the real deal in an increasingly artificial world.

Your presenters

YES, YOU: How to Convince and Convert High-Value Clients With Magnetic Messaging is brought to you by presenters who have helped hundreds of coaches, consultants and business owners position themselves to take their pick of ideal clients without compromising their values or their worth.

Trudy Rankin

Founder, Online Business Liftoff

Trudy specialises in unlocking the growth that's possible in small businesses when they understand their clients better (and their clients understand them better).

As a result, hundreds of Trudy's clients and students have become financially independent through their online businesses.

In addition, Trudy was funded by the Australian government to teach carers and people over 50 to set up online businesses, and she has worked with Vision Australia to do the same for blind and partially sighted people.

Steven Lewis

Founder, The Obvious Choice

Steven began his writing career 30 years ago as a journalist for publications like Esquire, GQ and the Financial Times. As a copywriter, his clients have included companies as varied as Pfizer, Coca-Cola and IBM.

Steven now runs Taleist Agency, a marketing agency for experts, and The Obvious Choice, a community for consultants, coaches and business owners cementing their positions as the obvious choice for their ideal clients.


Never be overlooked again.

Position yourself perfectly as the obvious choice for your ideal clients.



YES, YOU: How to Convince and Convert High-Value Clients With Magnetic Messaging delivers a proven formula for understanding, convincing and converting ideal clients.

If you attend this masterclass and within 30 days you feel for any reason that it did not deliver on its promises, we will give you a full and friendly refund.

What they say about Trudy and Steven...

“I knew the things I needed to do to speak to my target audience, but they were definitely in the ‘too hard basket’ until now.“

- Rod McNeill

"Steven is generous in making available tools and ideas he's used, tested and shaped. He shares real examples to equip you to take charge of your own journey."

- Sue Woodward

“A unique blend of humour and professionalism, breaking everything into manageable pieces and using witty examples that made everything click. You’ll come out armed with knowledge and tools.“

- Sandra Rucins

"Immediately practical, well researched, structured and executed. One of the best courses I have undertaken. Steven imparted great value that I could use straightaway for practical outputs."

- Ivan Kent


What happens next?

As soon as you click the button to take the training, you'll be taken to the checkout to enter your credit card details. The training is immediately available after that — you can be shaping your perfect positioning in minutes.

Where do I find my training?

The training includes a 90-minute online video and a workbook, both of which you can access through the web browser on your desktop, laptop, tablet or phone. We'll send you a link to the online training immediately.

Who should attend?

This is a masterclass on positioning aimed at coaches, consultants, business owners and everyone else who needs to present themselves credibly and authentically as the absolute best choice for their clients.

How long is the masterclass?

90 minutes.

What name will be on my credit card statement?

This training is being run through Taleist Agency, and Taleist is the name that will appear on your credit card statement.

Don't miss out!

This is the formula you need to convince, convert and retain your ideal clients
without constantly justifying your worth or compromising your values.